October 28th, 2015

December 23rd, 2014

(continuing a series)
I love this drawing of a horseman by Rodin:
When Rodin was 16, he drew tight academic drawings:
Over the years he evolved from ...
Suar. Un dibujante de proporciones inusitadas
Sobre todo en las páginas a color de la revista Humor, en la década del
80, publicó este hombre sus singulares chistes. En una época en la cual los
What Should You Know about Lentils?
Lentils are small, disk-shaped legumes commonly used in cooking. They are a
staple food in many cultures and are known for their high protein and fiber
Current location
Download Two Is a Family (2016) Watch Full Movie Streaming Online
[image: Two Is a Family (2016) Watch Full Movie Streaming Online]
Watch Here | Full Movie Two Is a Family
Actors: Omar Sy, Clémence Poésy, Antoine Bertrand, ...
Thanks and Moved Thanks for the comments i missed while i wasn't looking. I really appreciate it. Moved. https://amwerewolf.art.blog/
The Art of Frozen 2
I thought The Art of Frozen 2 would have been lean on character design
since the first movie had already solidified the look of the main
characters an...
Winter in Maine [image: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1yStpMZKXltMMOQwtK9XsuuXipNAOMwDf] Painting on paper
This is the page I did about CASTLE ROCK Tv Series for MOVISTAR+, published
A classic “how it all started” story, respectfully starr...
Reboot Design 6.
Pencil & Photoshop. 2010. Copyright Sony Pictures Animation.
NEW SITE: ScottC.com!! Alright, everyone! we’ve finally made the move! My website and news and everything will no longer be at Pyramidcar.com. The new location will be… SCOTTC...
Bugsted Animatic 05.extreme challenge ANIMATIC from pepe sanchez on Vimeo.
10 Little Ninjas
10 Little Ninjas was recently received the Missouri Building Block Picture
book Award. This award is given annually to the picture book voted most
When to Choose Graphite or Wax Pencil?
I'm opening up the Vignali Vault once more.
I don't think this image has ever been printed in any book or posted on
anything since I drew this 20 years a...
howdy all! just thought i'd park all this updated UPDATED information in
one handy spot. i'll be at heroes con june 15-17, including my newest
It's here !
*Le Chanteur et la Baleine* comes out today !!!
You can get your copy *HERE* !
Look! Up in The Sky!
Fighter Pilot roughs for Working Women temporary tattoos.
Los Teetheloss
abondoned nonsense
The Legacy Collection | Disney Music Emporium CD cover Art
It has been over a year since I posted anything! I can't believe it! here
is all the disney legacy collection CD book cover art I did! It was such a
cool p...
2000 Schoolism Subscriptions available Hey everyone, 2000 Schoolism Subscriptions now available! If you're interested in professional art education, I highly recommend this. Last time subscri...
Star Wanderer
It was a period of great boredom.
The Wander Over Yonder Crew,
having one of several extended lunches,
discussed ideal cross-overs for their
beloved orang...
Aaaaaand... here's some of the final art from the book!
I hope you all enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed making it. Big
thanks again to my agen...
.:. My Beach Is Better... .:.
...Beach? Check! Sun? Check! Sun glasses? Check! Beach chairs? Check! Pizza?
Check! Her? Need even ask...Check! The simple things in life are all it
Hi folks! This is my last post on this blog, I'm moving my business to
Tumblr! I'm keeping the blog open for the archives, you can now follow my
work at ...
Coraline Auction Next week Heritage Auctions will auction artwork from Laika Studios, marking the first time that the Portland-based animation studio has ever made its prod...
'Twas the wife before Christmas...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
32.5" x 17" High quality print ( printed by ashley wood )
Shipping worldwide is included in the price
75 editions
Available from my sto...
a documentary on me http://www.gamma-wray.com/
Bonjour tout le monde! Aujourd'hui est sorti sur les écrans le film "Lou!
Journal infime" de Julien Neel. Film pour lequel la team Catfish Deluxe (
Long time no see
... Hey ! Salut ! qu'est-ce tu fais là? ça va bien ? Fiouuu... ça fait
quoi... un an? facile... moi? ben ça va pas mal oui, j'ai été pas mal
uni the unicorn
Today is a very important day. Today, Uni the Unicorn comes out!
I know I've mentioned this before, but one the big bummers of working in
publishing is t...
If you've been on FACEBOOK recently, and your in the animation industry,
then you know that On Friday August 22nd, a SILENT AUCTION for SIMON CHUNG
will ta...
Today is an exciting day- I finally get to share a sneak peek at the short
film project I am working on! I've had the great pleasure of creating the
Some sketches from the last few weeks.
It's been a while, but I'm back into it.
Oakland//Palm Springs//Piedmont.
Bastion's 7 Kickstarter Is Now Live!
Bastion's 7 is finally here!
Myself and my TableTaffy crew is thrilled to announce we have launched the Bastion's
7 Kickstarter!
It's been a long time com...
Laika's "The Boxtrolls"
Hello to those who still hang around here, despite the lack of
Since the begining of the year, I've been really busy with my personal
More prints!!
In addition to the series of travel posters, I found a few older prints
that I had created for Gallery 1988 that are also now on sale on their
site: www.ga...
Macanudo Worl Tur, Recife, Brasil-
"END" and...me
** Bonjour tout le monde.*
*Comme vous avez pu remarquer, ils sont mois et mois que j'en ne
renouvelle plus mon blog, ou je fais des nouveaux post. Il ...
In memory of George Brook-Kothlow My father in law was a special and talented man, his name is George Brook-Kothlow and he passed two weeks ago after a year of battling cancer. He was 77. I...
Preparing for Change in the Dental Industry Thinking about becoming a dentist? Gauging the right time to sell your dental practice The dental industry as a whole is stable, but markets change, techno...
She-Rawk! "And so it begins..." Ep Debut
Hello Blog-Universe, I'm back! Well... sort of.
Life has been crazy these past two years with many ups and downs the
biggest being the passing of my swee...
demenagement ! [image: demenagement] *Parce que la PUB sur canalblog y'en a marre , ce blog bouge ICI ! *Ca marche aussi en cliquant sur l'image hein ... _____ *This b...
I have moved ! ( UPDATE ) i won't be posting here anymore.so please update your bookmarks, links to WWW.PATCHOFORANGE.COM I am also on TWITTER . you can follow me here ...
Harper´s Bazaar
Understanding Why Cats Fight If you have a household with multiple cats, you know that cat fights do happen. Even if you cats generally get along, at times, they can still fight. While...
allez une petite pour ne pas oublier de dessiner des fifilles <<<<<<
I was fortunate enough to meet Janelle Monae and her crew during her SF
tour with Bruno Mars. Here is some art work that their performance inspired:
El "fin" de este blog Este blog ya no se actualizará más. Sin embargo, permanecerá abierto como un archivo de entrevistas. Tal vez resulte interesante para los entusiastas del c...
I am back in my usual shape, I will post more often here now.
Thanks for your patience.
Help Japan, Animated Buzz, and some story panels
I know it's a bit late in coming, but I'd like to take the opportunity here
on my blog to urge anyone that hasn't yet done so to consider making a
NEW SITE!! (and the closing of this blog) Now that I have some extra time on my hands (and thanks to the power of tumblr) I finally have a new site! It contains all my previous art AND it will be t...
Happy Halloween
Here is an illustration I did for Jack and Jill magazine.
Me mudé Sí, a partir de hoy Webujos se muda a esta nueva dirección: http://www.danielpaz.com.ar/blog Para visitar el nuevo blog, hacé click acá Nos seguimos viendo.
DWA artshow These were done for the "Out of Character" art show on the DreamWorks Animation campus. It's personal artwork by DWA Character Designers. Should be some...
THE DEPUTY 5" X 12" Gouache Preliminary sketches